Our revolutionary Milon Gym allows you to exercise in a safe environment offering amazing results from training just 35 minutes twice per week! 

It’s simple and effective. Milon’s broad range of training circuits spans every need and every performance level: from health oriented basic training to specifically targeted strength training and intensive cardio training to maximum strength training.

Why Is Milon Training So Effective?

Through eccentric focused training programs, Milon utilises low impact targeted techniques with a balanced, safe, health orientated focus

Combining specific scientific programming, state of the art technology and individual health and fitness goals, Milon provides one of the most effective and safe training platforms available for all fitness levels


Need some motivation? The Milon Care App has got what you need!

Milon Care is a cloud based system that allows you to track your progress wherever you are

It records everything you do whilst working out including calories, repetitions, and weights

The software can measure the range of motion of your movements and even your heart rate!

We always aim to have a Circle Coach ready to assist you, and when your not on our circuit there is always Milon Care 


Our Milonizer is an innovative scanning system based on biometric markers which measures & scans your whole body in only a matter of seconds

After we save your personal data, all of the Milon machines on our circuit are then automatically preset for your precise body dimensions so there should be no need to mess around with adjusting any settings!

 You simply log your card in & your good to go. There is no safer way to exercise

Message us to book in for your free workout on our Milon Circuit

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